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to Crafti-n-Est...My place to share my love of craft with you.
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Email: egundry@warrington.ac.uk

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Wittering`s of the Weekend

I can`t believe that I haven`t blogged for three days...that's insane I can usually ramble on long enough to manage at least one post a day, sometimes even more.

I have not even been that busy just catching up with other things, housework, washing, ironing and had to take the kids out and buy them all new trainers yesterday...oh god that hurt I can tell you, why is it when you have more than one kid that they all need the same expensive things replacing at the same time...and oh no bloody cheap trainers for my kids...that is probably my fault as I am a bit of a label freak but they wouldn`t even entertain the Dunlops that I pointed out!!! Then they all needed new tracksuit bottoms for cheer leading so they all got their trackies and trainees yesterday!!! And I didn`t get the shoes I wanted or the top that I had seen earlier in the week or the new jeans that I desperately need...I did get a new hat though for 50p...yep good old H&M and their sale!!!

I have not really done any crafting over the weekend either although I did sit down and finish a layout of Jack yesterday afternoon before my friend dragged me to her house and force fed me half of a rather nice bottle of wine...then it was home, quick tea and change and off out last night to a bit of a house party...or gazebo/trampoline party!!! Yep all adults...yep on the trampoline and I even managed to cut my foot open and soak my favourite white skinnys in blood!!! Thank the lord for Vanish in wash, jeans are clean again and blowing gently in the breeze but my foot is killing...warning do not mix copious amounts of alcohol with trampolining, if you don`t damn near kill or injure yourself you will throw up guaranteed.

So although I spent most of yesterday "socialising" I did not wake up this morning thinking that evil little men were partying hard in my head no...I was up at 5am...I could not bloody sleep and that's the second morning running that I have done that...at this rate its not going to be worth going to bed!!!

So this is the layout I managed to finish yesterday before I was dragged off to party!!! You will recognise the picture from earlier in the week of Jack my newly appointed Prefect:

And I have not taken part in the Her Space My Space photo challenge over the weekend so here are my two pictures from yesterday Pet portrait....blatant cheat here as I don`t have any pets...will have to go and photograph all my friends animals now...this is Evil Duck who steals Warburton's bread from the little hands of children!!! He even has an evil glint in his eye!!!

And a show off picture, well I quite like this one as I love taking pictures of old buildings as I am an architecture freakoid, I know I am sad and need to get out more...or maybe not, maybe just stay in and have a nice crafty evening!!!

I am off now to put a nice elastoplast plaster on my poorly foot :-( xxx


lucy said...

The building is lovely. And i am so sorry you have injured your foot. But I must ask...what is an estoplast plaster?

lisa said...

Hello my dear : )
Lovely LO...nice to catch up with your blog again.
lis xx

Photographing Mom said...

Hope your foot is better soon. Great pics!!