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to Crafti-n-Est...My place to share my love of craft with you.
Please browse my Posts, Pictures and ocasional waffle!!!
Email: egundry@warrington.ac.uk

Friday, 24 October 2008

Her Space My Space...Apple

I love Apples, but only green ones, my favourite apples are Granny Smiths...ooh crisp and sharp...yummm!!!

Apparently an apple a day will keep the doctor away, not sure why but hey if it works!!! So the prompt over at HSMS today is apple and I have actually got down on the floor this morning took this photo and found out these appliscious facts:

Apples are fat, sodium, and cholesterol free.
Apples are a member of the rose family.
Apples float because 25 percent of their volume is air.

Great stuff off to munch an apple now!!!