I am trying to sort out my blog, add links and suchlike...
I promise to blog more...honest!!!
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Be patient!!!
Posted by
Est xxx
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Which will explain why I have not blogged for a week!!!
My god, my kids were sent to test me last week!!!
I am not going to go into everything, I wont bore you with all the details but how I didn`t turn grey I don`t know...All is well now though, and I think life is pretty much back to normal...well as normal as it can be in our house anyway!!!
Had a couple of blast from the past moments this week too, had a student turn up at my new Jewellery class last night who used to come to my workshops, thought I had lost touch with her so it was lovely to see her again and I spoke to my old boss today too, who works at the college that Jack attends, it was lovely to catch up with her as she was the one who inspired me to take up teaching and gave me my first teaching job!!!
Have actually done a bit of crafting tonight, the reason I don`t get to blog too much lately is because I am teaching three evenings a week at the moment and Friday is reserved for Wine!!! I actually have mornings off now which is lovely but it`s almost a reversal of lifestyle which is really hard to adapt to, I am working afternoons and evenings and suppose I should be relaxing in the mornings as you would in the evening when you get home from work, but I tend to catch up on housework or emails and paperwork, rather than curl up with a book, so I seem to be super organised at the moment but have had to renew my library books today as I haven`t had time to read them...Rejoined the library when I was forced to stay home from work the week before last because of a few flakes of snow...that is how bored I was, although I love reading, I love books and being able to lose myself in another world so reading for free is fabulous...I am vowing never to accumulate another fine again!!!
So like I said, have actually made some cards tonight...was asked to make a birthday card with a teddy bear on...bought this stamp just before Christmas...
And with the leftovers I made this little tag...
Then I decided I wanted to make another little tag...
Will probably turn those into birthday cards, have a couple coming up soon.
And made this card, its Harry`s Birthday the week after next... so going to add his name and age to that I think and there is a job done!!!
Okay my only evening off until Friday...9pm and I am going to soak in some bubbles!!!
Posted by
Est xxx
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Don`t You just hate it...
...when you wake up at 3am and are still awake at 6am only to have the alarm go off at 7am!!!
Bloody Insomnia...couldn`t even get up because it was too cold and I risked freezing my little arse off.
So am sat here tonight feeling exhausted but warm after the strangest day, the kids finally went back to school this morning after almost a month off, and I felt so damn emotional when I took Mia this morning, almost got a taste of empty nest syndrome I think when I came back and the house was empty...so bad I actually did some paperwork then went into the office at work, although that was to fill in my pay claim so that wasn't bad and I got to catch up with a few people I hadn`t seen since before Christmas.
Then had a new class start this afternoon and met just the most inspirational and amazing lady, and I actually told her it was a privilege to meet her and she said the same to me, very emotional and deep conversations were shared this afternoon and I emerged from my class feeling cleansed and very very lucky.
then did a bit of scrapping tonight, creating this:
Its a bit wonky but hey ho!!!
Also made this with the leftovers....just taken part in a stamped image swap and had this little stamp out and I had forgotten how much I love her...
These I created at the weekend for gifts...pictures aren`t too hot but it is really hard to photograph earrings!!!
And this layout of Harry I did last night...
I took so many photographs of the kids in the snow, I had forty printed at Jessops for free, and I am slowly working my way through scrapbooking them because I want the kids to remember how much fun we had while they were off school and when it snowed, I know that a lot of problems have arose and the handling of a lot of issues were questionable but I had such lovely, possibly once in a lifetime moments that I shared with my kids I want to record that.
Off to bed now, got to catch up on some sleep and possibly need my strength for some shopping tomorrow, tis my day off you know ;-)
Posted by
Est xxx
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Wow I have just realised....
Life is what you make it...if you are feeling bad then your life will feel bad...I woke up this morning with a whole new outlook on life...I am in charge of mine and it feels Goooood!!!
I made some important decisions today...I am not saying each decision was a good decision, in fact the one to change my hair colour was pretty poor as I am convinced I have to now go out tomorrow and buy another hair colour...because orange is orange in whatever light you look at it...but I decided to change my hair colour and I will, if it takes me longer than the 20 minute development time then so be it!!!
I also decided to buy a memory card reader, lost my usb cable for my camera...YES it has totally dissappeared, so if I have the memory card reader I can read memory cards, well not me personally but you know what I mean...and uploaded these tonight....
Being able to upload pictures makes me happy... and the other decisions....watch this space...honestly...
Happy Saturday everyone.
Posted by
Est xxx
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Friday, 8 January 2010
I had forgotton....
Two things...
1...How much I love to Scrapbook and
2...How much I love Vodka and Blackcurrant
Luckily I have done more scrapbooking tonight than vodka and blackcurrant or this could be a very worrying blog post!!!
I think I mentioned the 50 free prints you get from Jessops when you register...well Jack very kindly went to collect mine yesterday...he has a free bus pass and is young so can brave the snow!!!
50 free prints...all of me and the kids in the snow from before Christmas...which is ironic now because snow is quite obviously the norm now!!!
So much so Snow days are normal and working days are a thing of the past...the kids have been emailed school work because their schools are still closed and today was the first day I received post since before Christmas...and funnily enough one of the letters was a credit card bill I see the banks are unaffected by the snow!!!
Okay three layouts completed tonight and before you look please please accept my apologies for the appalling photos...blackberry...beautiful but only 3 mega pixels...lost my USB lead for my camera...will be purchasing said USB lead tomorrow...promise!!!
Snow Sisters...
Snow Baby...
Cool Dude...
Off to enjoy the Blackcurrant ;-) xxx
Posted by
Est xxx
Friday, January 08, 2010
Labels: Everything else, kids, Layouts
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Beyond a joke....it`s SNOW use....
...I got to stay home again tomorrow!!!
I love my kids to pieces really I do, and usually when I am in the middle of a working week I pray for a day off work but its been 20 days since I have worked....
20 whole days!!!
I love my job, I have always said that and now I really know I do...I am craving adult conversation, so much so I have been striking up conversations with complete strangers...even my kids think I am weird now for they have born witness to this...If I could physically climb walls like Spiderman...I believe I would be doing it right now!!! Even considered kidnapping a dog today so that when I was out "walking the Children" I could strike up conversations with fellow dog owners...
Snow Day Part Deux...The Sequel...
Posted by
Est xxx
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Labels: Everything else, kids
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Its Snow Joke....
...Sorry I know the old jokes are cheesy but honestly Warrington has snow...again...about 8 inches of the thick white stuff...The kids were due to go back to school today and we have had a proper "Snow Day"...and we have another one tomorrow too!!!
I have took lots of pictures but have lost the usb lead for my camera so I am not the happiest, but here is one of Mia took on the faithful blackberry...look at the size of that snowman, we didn`t build it but happened across it when we went to the park earlier...How often do adults get the day off work and then get to play out all day!!!
So its official we are snowed in, I have half a loaf of bread and two pints of milk, not one for panic buying as you have probably gathered, so because I have time on my hands I have been blog hopping and fell upon this blog, now I have not had a chance to have a proper nosey, gonna make myself a nice cuppa later and have a proper browse, but the first couple of posts I read have inspired me so much where my inspiration was a lacking!!!
And it also directed me here
which got me thinking....
...and I came up with my "one little word" for 2010 which is...
why?... because in 2009 we had a fair bit of heartache and I tend to worry about things that don`t tend to be too important in the great scheme of things and forget to appreciate my beautiful children, wonderful friends and my health!!!
Okay I am off to check all the gloves, hats, scarves, and coats are dry so I can appreciate another "snow day" with my kids tomorrow!!!
Posted by
Est xxx
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Labels: Everything else, kids
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Happy New Year!!!
Wow 2010 already...Do you remember all the hype from 1999 and how the millennium could be the end of the world as we knew it!!!
Ten years ago...My friends and I worked out the other day that we have been alive now for Five decades...I know we really do need to get out more!!!
Well that's it Christmas and New Year over for another year, my Decorations came down yesterday and put safely back up in the loft for another twelve months and I am back to work on Monday...thank goodness, I have had two weeks off and I have really missed it, I always knew I loved my job but never realised how much, I have been so bored, I have missed my students and teaching, don`t get me wrong I have had some lovely time with my kids especially with Mia...lots of sleepovers in my bed in our PJs, makeovers and Disney DVDs, slobbing around in bed until lunchtime and drinking endless cups of coffee or glasses of wine...BUT...I need to work for my own sanity and I am so looking forward to Monday morning!!!
Had a bit of a play this week and made these...
Posted by
Est xxx
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Labels: Everything else, jewelery