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to Crafti-n-Est...My place to share my love of craft with you.
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Email: egundry@warrington.ac.uk

Monday, 6 September 2010

I Did It!!!!!

I bloody did it, I passed my first module of the degree I started, I received confirmation today and I am Bloody Beaming...

...because I really did not expect to pass, not because I thought I couldn`t do it but because I decided two days before the hand in date that I wanted to change the whole angle of my assignment and rewrote it completely in about six hours!!! I am over the moon and now have to decide if I want to continue with the second module, which obviously I do but have to work out if I can fit it in as I am back at work for the college next week and I have an awful lot of Demonstrations and Classes over the next couple of months at the weekends too...

...if anyone has a little house elf they want to lend me then I would really appreciate it, failing that I am thinking a personal assistant, a nanny or an Au pair...when I was little my Nan used to work for a family who always had Au Pairs although I always thought they were called "old pears".

So I am in a really "wow I really can do it " mood tonight, you know what I mean, as adults and especially as Mums we tend to doubt our own abilities as we get a little bit older and more often than not put our families before us so to achieve this even after screaming at my kids to shut up, ironing with one hand, on the phone with one shoulder, we`ve all done it perched the phone between our shoulder and our ear...whilst trying to work on my assignment...multi tasking to the max I do believe, I feel damn bloody good and intend to revel for a little while longer ;-).

Mia went back to school today...no tears!!!

Although that was because we got to school after the whistle had blown, not my fault I wont go into the grim details but as we left the house she had a nosebleed so I had to clean her up which made us late...I swear there is always a drama in this house, and because she got there after the whistle I dont think she had time to think about crying whilst I bundled her PE kit, games kit, lunch bag and school bag into her arms which were already full with "Sarah" the build a bear in school uniform!!! Do you know you couldn`t make this stuff up could you!!!

Look at this...

Does she remind you of anyone!!!

And how beautiful does she look here...

Beautiful because she insisted I braided her fringe and then straightened the rest of her hair...kids!!!

Completed two layouts today, after having my purse emptied by Harry and Ella, new phone for Harry, new earphones for Ella, and various sprays that make them smell sweet...bit of a worry considering Harry is nearly 15 and should be allergic to water and cleansing products.

Another one of the series of photographs I took of Mia when she collapsed after the shopping spree...this is the one where she realised I was taking her picture, just before a big scouse security guard told me off for taking pictures...of my own child...yeah whatever mate!!!

And one of Jack and I messing about last Monday in the sunshine...

So that's three layouts, a card and a "cupcake tube" I have created in two days...you want to see my desk...no really you do, I have turned over a new leaf...I have been tidying up as I go along!!!

I know even I am worried...the sooner I get back to work and back to normal the better!!!

Off now to search House Elf on Ebay!!!


Anonymous said...

Well done on passing! Of course you have to continue - you are right, we Mum's can juggle anything we need to! I was a "mature" (not much maturity when we went on field trips!) student, with three children, hubby with M.E. and I did 3 part time jobs to keep our heads above water. You do it with style, humour and panche. Go girl!! :-D Jude.x

Jackie said...

Congratulations Est, it's great when we can actually achieve something as ourselves instead of as someone's wife or mum :)

Love the LOs too!